Enterprise Europe Network in collaboration with Malta Enterprise are delighted to invite local Maltese entrepreneurs to a hybrid partnering event in the field of life sciences, taking place between 29th September and 1st October 2021. This international brokerage event is divided into physical networking sessions, taking place on the 29th and 30th of September in Genova and a virtual networking session, taking place on the 1st of October 2021. Participants may opt to register for the virtual session or travel to Genova for physical meetings.
Start-up companies, research and healthcare organisations, investors, life sciences stakeholders from the fields of Pharmaceutical/Nutraceutical, Medical devices, Biology/Biotechnology, IT Applications for Health, Medicine, Human Health and well-being, as well as Related value chain activities are welcome to join this informative and interesting event. Besides the meetings sessions, entrepreneurs can also enjoy the other initiatives that will take place during the days of Meet in Italy for Life Sciences 2021 including:
- International conference: Renowned experts will provide insights on the impact of biomedical technologies throughout lifetime
- Thematic workshops & keynotes will enlighten businesses on specific topics in life sciences
- Atlantis Pitching Arena: Start-Up Breeding 2021 finalists will pitch their business proposals
- Exhibition: Examine the products and services at the stands of exhibiting organisations
During the two-day Brokerage Event companies, start-ups, researchers, investors and players in the sector’s upstream and downstream activities will have the opportunity to meet and explore new collaboration and partnership opportunities for the development of products, services, projects, distribution, licensing agreements, joint ventures, research collaboration, European projects and investments. It is also a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase their organisation to potential partners.
This brokerage event is designed for international businesses and entrepreneurs seeking to share their knowledge, build business collaborations and develop business partnerships on a global scale. Build partnerships and register free of charge on https://genova2021.mit4ls.b2match.io/ or contact a local adviser on [email protected] for further information or assistance.